About Us
Poverty Alleviation Initiative Africa (PAIA) was established in 2016. It is an organization committed to children's health and the prevention of HUNGER for children from low/no-income families. This is a global initiative that is targeting children of school-going age in Canada as well as in developing countries.
The primary issue with which the Poverty Alleviation Initiative is currently concerned is HUNGER and its related causes and consequences. These include; ensuring each child is well-fed and ready to participate in school, providing clothes and basic school supplies to children in need, and establishing that schools have a RESOURCE ROOM where students can go in and ask for supplies.
PAIA is an organization that advocates and works with other organizations to help bring about an end to hunger and poverty and also reduce the risk of children not participating in schools because they are hungry or too weak to attend. Our organization pursues excellence in taking care of the needs of children and ensuring that they get the education they deserve without hindrances like hunger and poverty.
PAIA is involved in supporting initiatives that have the following as their core goals:
Providing food and basic school supplies to students who come from low/no-income families
Donate clothes and help some students with their school fees
Ensuring each child is well-fed in the morning at school
Providing Resource Rooms where students can go and ask for supplies
Ensuring that every child of school-going age goes to school and gets educated
PAIA has a special interest in the education of children. Most developing countries do not provide free education or food, so the aim of PAIA is to introduce breakfast programs and also donate basic school supplies.
Our Story
From my experience, I noticed that there are not many organizations in developing countries serving the teeming population of malnourished children in developing countries and helping them get back to school through the provision of school supplies and school fee payments.
In response to the need, I founded the POVERTY ALLEVIATION INITIATIVE (AFRICA) PAIA and with collective effort, determination and partnership of well-meaning individuals, businesses, medical professionals, social workers and organizations, we can help children live a healthy lifestyle and access quality education.
~Tsitsi Mhende~